I garnished with a little sprig of oregano. I used it because it was already in my garden. Besides I can’t get over how beautiful the orange carrots and green oregano look together. I can’t help it. I’m all about color. If you don’t have oregano in your garden you can use any garnish you want.

These carrots are absolutely gorgeous and most tasty! They are perfect for Thanksgiving Dinner or next to your Christmas prime rib.
- 10 carrots (about)
- 4 T. butter (divided)
- ½ t. Kosher salt
- ⅓ c. pure maple syrup
- 2 T. brown sugar
- freshly ground black pepper
- sprig of oregano

- Wash and slice carrots into sticks.
- Heat skillet over medium high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of butter. Saute carrots until a they get a nice color on them. Should take just a few minutes.
- Turn skillet down to medium low. Add salt, syrup and brown sugar, and remaining butter.
- Continue to cook, uncovered, for about 10 minutes. Or until carrots are crisp tender and glaze is thickened and reduced. Stir often.
- Put carrots in a serving dish. Sprinkle with black pepper. Garnish with oregano sprig.