Perfect No-Puff Sugar Cookies
Want to get that gorgeous, professional look to your sugar cookies? Then, you’re going to need this recipe! A simple, 5-ingredient dough that bakes up without losing shape, you can use cutters of any size to create beautiful cookies that look just the way they’re supposed to. No misshapen gingerbread heads. No puffy hearts. Just soft, buttery sugar cookies that keep whatever shape you cut them into.

This recipe is perfect for making cookie pops, or for using the Sweet Creations Cookie Cutters to create impeccably shaped cookies that keep their shape when they bake! Easy and fun to eat, this recipe is destined to become a classic!
- 1 egg
- 1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, softened but not melted
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 cups flour
- 1 tablespoon vanilla

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl or stand mixer, beat together egg, butter, and sugar until very well combined. Add flour and vanilla, mix until a thick dough forms. Turn ¼ of the dough out between two pieces of parchment paper. Roll to ½” thick for cookies or cookie pops, and roll to ¼” or 1/8” thick if using Sweet Creations letter cookie cutters. Place the parchment with rolled cookie dough in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. Cut dough into desired shapes. Transfer cut cookies to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven, 10-14 minutes for large cookies, 8-11 minutes for medium cookies, and 3-5 minutes for very small cookies and Sweet Creations cookie letters.
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