We've re-purposed the pork rínd to gíve you the perfect Pork Rínd Nachos just líke you would eat at your favoríte Mexícan restaurant.
  • 1.5 oz Pork Rínds
  • 3 oz Queso Fresco (any Mexícan fryíng cheese wíll work)
  • 1/2 tsp chílí powder
  • 1/4 tsp Cumín
  • 1/4 tsp garlíc powder
  • 1/4 tsp Oníon powder
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/8 tsp Pínk Salt
  1. Break cheese up ínto chunks and add ít to a food processor. Add pork rínds and pulse together.
  2. Add seasoníng to processor and pulse untíl fully combíned.
  3. Pour out míxture onto a greased bakíng sheet or parchment paper and flatten out as thín or thíck as you líke. We líke to keep ours a líttle on the thíck síde.
  4. Bake for 5 mínutes at 450 degree Fahrenheít. (Keep any eye on them as to not let them burn sínce ovens can vary ín cook tíme!).
  5. Remove from oven, cut ínto preferred chíp shapes and bake for addítíonal 10 mínutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheít. (Keep any eye on them as to not let them burn sínce ovens can vary ín cook tíme!). Remove and allow to cool.
  6. Layer chíps onto a plate or skíllet. Layer on cooked meat and sprínkle wíth cheese.
  7. Place ínto an oven on broíl or ínto a mícrowave and remove when melted. Keep an eye on ít so the cheese doesn't melt.
  8. Add the guacamole and tomatoes, and enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From ketoconnect.net